
Monthly Insights

ETF options and futures

Published: Dec 2021
Mihaela Croitoru, Statistics Database Manager at the WFE, writes about ETF options and futures
Harry You & Phoebe Zhang

Fostering China’s financial derivatives market through financial literacy

Published: Dec 2021
The China Financial Futures Exchange is doing its part to teach students about financial products.

WFE’s Focus special – COP26 - Luxembourg Stock Exchange

Published: Nov 2021

As part of our video series on COP26, today we hear from Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) who discuss their role as the worlds leading sustainable finance platform, through joining the Net-Zero Financial Services & Providers Alliance. They note that market infrastructure providers, as the link between issuers and investors, have a crucial role to play in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon and more inclusive economy.


WFE’s Focus special – COP26 - Bolsa de Valores de Colombia

Published: Nov 2021

Today we hear from Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC) who are on course to make their entire operations net-zero by the end of 2021. BVC, who have updated their sustainability policy to reference six Sustainable Development Goals, talk to us how they plan to help Columbia transition to a more inclusive, low-carbon and digital economy.



WFE’s Focus special – COP26 - Shanghai Stock Exchange

Published: Nov 2021

As part of our video series on COP26, today we hear from the Shanghai Stock Exchange who provide their views on how China will reduce its carbon emissions by 2030. They discuss the Shanghai Stock Exchange's efforts to address climate change and obtain climate neutrality, and issue a 'call to action' for exchanges to implement the goals of the Paris Agreement by translating them into policies, measures and actions.



WFE’s Focus special – COP26 - Singapore Exchange

Published: Nov 2021

As part of our work around climate, here’s the first video in a series where we have asked our members to discuss their hopes and aspirations for COP26. Today we hear from Singapore Exchange, who tell us about how they plan to become a leading sustainable finance hub, creating products, solutions and ecosystems and ensuring Asia can finance credible transitions. They explain their role in founding the Net-Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance, how they plan to get to net-zero before 2050, and how other market infrastructure providers can get there too.

Christianne Bariquelli

Financial education, an essential tool in the life of Brazilians

Published: Nov 2021
In Brazil, a new breed of investor requires a new type of financial education. Christianne Bariquelli, Education Associate Director at B3, described the initiatives encouraging the next generation to become better savers.
Ashwini Panse & Chris Edmonds

The importance of central bank access to collateral deposits

Published: Nov 2021
Central bank account access for collateral deposits helps CCPs safely manage and mitigate investment and commercial custodian-related risks, write Chris Edmonds, Global Head of Clearing & Risk, and Ashwini Panse, Chief Risk Officer, North American Clearing at ICE.
Noelle Al Jaweini

Saudi Exchange is focusing on raising awareness on the importance of debt markets for issuers, investors and the wider economy

Published: Nov 2021
The development of debt instruments has increased the depth and liquidity of the Saudi capital market and financial literacy is critical for that market growth to continue. This year, we have chosen to focus our educational campaign on raising awareness on the importance of debt markets for issuers, investors and the wider economy, says Noelle Al Jaweini, Chief of Cash Markets, Saudi Exchange.