Welcome to February. Our first issue of 2023 provides a range of pieces from around the globe, from Kazakhstan to Japan to the U.S.
Alina Aldambergen, Chairman of the Management Board, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, looks ahead to what 2023 might bring as the exchange celebrates its 30th anniversary.
In the U.S., Phil Mackintosh, Chief Economist, Nasdaq, provides an update on how the use of Consolidated Tape protects investors and rewards market quality.
Also, Natsuho Torii, Deputy Secretary General, Sustainability Committee, Japan Exchange Group, presents the findings of its TCFD Disclosure survey, providing an insight into how Japanese companies are addressing sustainability issues.
The diverse topics presented this month illustrate one of WFE’s best strengths. The more our members share what they are doing the stronger each of our members can be.
See you next month.
Nandini Sukumar
Chief Executive Officer