In this article we analyse the trends in equity value traded EOB in 2021 compared to 2020. Equity value traded EOB total includes value traded EOB domestic and value traded EOB Foreign.
Due to some exchanges not providing the breakdown of the Total into EOB Domestic and EOB Foreign, the equity value traded EOB total is higher than the sum of value traded EOB domestic and value traded EOB foreign.
The data is taken from the WFE Statistics Portal. The definition of our indicators can be found in WFE Definitions Manual.
The equity value traded EOB total in Q3 2021 was 41.78 USD trillion, which represented a 11% increase on Q2 2021 and a 15.6% increase on Q3 2020. The value traded EOB domestic accounted for 97% of the total, while the value traded EOB foreign only for 3%.
Month on month, in Nov 2021 value traded EOB total increased 23%, with value traded EOB domestic increasing 29.7%, while EOB foreign rose only 13.3%.
Year-to-date value traded EOB total amounted to 119.72 USD trillion. Year-to-date value traded EOB domestic was 91.51 USD trillion and value traded EOB foreign 3.7 USD trillion.
Most of the value traded EOB total in 2021 was traded in the Americas region (51%), followed by APAC (41%) and EMEA (8%).
Figure 1: Equity value traded EOB domestic between Jan 2019 – Nov 2021
Quarter-on-quarter, in Q3 2021, the value traded EOB domestic increased 16%, while EOB foreign rose only 0.1%. Year-on-year, in Q3 2021 the value traded EOB domestic rose 15.3%, while EOB foreign went up 14.3%.
The increase in value traded EOB domestic in Q3 2021 compared to the previous quarter was due entirely to the rise across the APAC region (32.9%), while the Americas and EMEA regions declined 1.8% and 1.2% respectively. Exchanges with an excellent performance in Q3 2021 were: Shenzhen Stock Exchange (57%), Shanghai Stock Exchange (58.4%), Japan Stock Exchange (4.4%), Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (20.4%) and HoChiMinh Stock Exchange (4.4%).
The increase in value traded EOB foreign in Q3 2021 relative to the previous quarter was due entirely to the rise witnessed by EMEA (5.1%), while the Americas and APAC regions decreased 0.2% and 7.4%, respectively. Exchanges which did well were: Nasdaq-US (0.1%), Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (12%), Johannesburg Stock Exchange (78.5%) and ASX Australian Securities Exchange (10%).
In Q3 2021, the highest share of value traded EOB domestic was registered in APAC (59%), followed by the Americas (34%) and EMEA region (8%).
Year-on-year, in Q3 2021 Value traded EOB domestic rose in the Americas by 6.4% (due to Cboe Global Markets, B3 - Brasil Bolsa Balcão, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores etc). APAC region recorded the same positive change (24.4%), due to Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Japan Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, Taiwan Stock Exchange, HoChiMinh Stock Exchange, National Stock Exchange of India, ASX Australian Stock Exchange, Taipei Stock Exchange etc. Only EMEA region declined 3.2%.
Figure 2: Equity value traded EOB Foreign between Jan 2019 – Nov 2021
In Q3 2021 the Americas region witnessed the largest share of value traded EOB foreign (77%), while APAC and EMEA accounted for 7% and 17%, respectively.
Year on year, in Q3 2021 the increase in value traded EOB foreign was due to the Americas (20.4%) and EMEA (5%), while APAC region declined 16.1%. Exchanges with a notable performance were: Nasdaq – US (20%), B3 - Brasil Bolsa Balcão (80.1%), Bolsa de Valores de Lima (56.1%), Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (20.6%), Johannesburg Stock Exchange (74.5%), Nasdaq Nordic and Baltics (8.2%) etc.
Figure 3: Equity value traded EOB total between Jan 2019 – Nov 2021
The regional value traded EOB total is illustrated in Figures 4-6.
Figure 4: Equity value traded EOB total between Jan 2019 – Nov 2021 in the Americas region
Figure 5: Equity value traded EOB total between Jan 2019 – Nov 2021 in the APAC region
Figure 6: Equity value traded EOB total between Jan 2019 – Nov 2021 in the EMEA region