Santiago Exchange launches new brand look & feel
Santiago Exchange has launched its new brand, which reinforces its strategy and corporate values as a technological, innovative, transparent, reliable and sustainable company. The new brand was launched at the exchanges's annual client and stakeholder wine tasting event, which was attended by over 500 executives from the financial market industry.
At the event, the Santiago Exchange also presented its new website - - which has a lighter feel and more modern data architecture, including more information on environmental. social, and governance (ESG) issues concerning its market participants. The new website also lists the exchange's own ESG activities in the Corporate Governance and Investor Relations sections. There is also a specific section on Financial Education, as well as a comprehensive section on the exchange’s IT solutions, listing all the products and services available for market users, among other features.
“The new brand marks a new milestone: our 125-year anniversary. It reflects the pace we have been setting and concurs with our strong positioning and consolidation as a relevant player in Latin America. It also showcases our pro-activity in developing solutions for users and market participants, and our work towards a more connected role as a financial infrastructure IT provider," said Juan Andrés Camus, Chairman, Santiago Exchange.
The CEO of Santiago Exchange, Jose Antonio Martinez, commented on how the elements of the new logo reinforce Santiago as a centre of business for Chile. The letter 'X' at the end of the name, which refers to the word 'exchange', is also there to show Santiago Exchange's international outlook. Santiago is the key element of the new logo. The 125-year existence of the exchange is highlighted by the use of blue, and the more traditional font used in the letters 'Santia'. The modern typography that features in the letters 'GO' highlights the exchange's technological, global and dynamic character. Finally, the arrows that form the 'X' allude to the future challenges and opportunities that Santiago Exchange will face, giving it a sense of moving forward, and aligning the exchange with the meaning of the word 'GO'.