The WFE publishes H1 2015 Market Highlights Report
The World Federation of Exchanges has today published its Market Highlights Report for the first semester of 2015.
Among the key trends were:
- Value of worldwide share trading rose 36% to 59 trillion USD in H1 2015 from the second-half of 2014 (+58% year on year).
- Mainland China share trading volumes rose 166% in H1 2015 from H2 2014
- Asia Pacific minus mainland China volumes rose 12%, EMEA volumes were up 11% and the Americas region saw a 1% increase (U.S. plus 2%, remainder minus 17%)
- Number of trades also rose 36% from the second half of 2014 (+67% year on year)
- Global Market Capitalization rose 8% to 73 trillion USD from the second-half of 2014 (+6% year on year). Asian exchanges saw a strong climb in market capitalization, with mainland China increasing 60%, Japan 13%, HK 16% and Korea 10%.
- Strong increase in IPOs and in Investment flows. The number of IPOs increased by 19% year on year while total investment flows increased by 42% year on year.
- Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) volumes increased by 3.5% compared with the end of 2014, mainly driven by commodity and currency derivatives.
Click here for the full report.